How often should you get replacements for your double-glazed units?

Replacement double glazed units – how long do they last?
Did you know that double glazed installations grew from 6.2 million to 15.7 million between 1996 and 2008? Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever and the same goes for double-glazing; typically lasting around 20 years. So, if your home upgraded to double glazing roughly between 1996 and the millennium, it’s highly likely that your double-glazed units will need replacing fairly soon.
How can I tell whether I need replacement double glazed units?
Depending on the quality of the materials used and the calibre of installation, double glazed units hold the capacity to last up to 35 years; so, you can’t always tell if they need replacing just from their age. So, here are a few tell-tale signs that could indicate your double-glazing has reached its sell-by date.
Condensation between the panes of glass
If condensation is forming in between the two panes of glass, this is a tell-tale sign that the window seals have failed and, more often than not, need to be completely replaced. You should be able to keep your existing window frames, providing they’re in relatively good condition.
Water leaking through the frame
If water is leaking through your window frames, this is another sign that could indicate your window seals have failed. Depending on the amount of water leaking in, it could also mean that there are gaps around the frames or that the seals have minor breaks in them.
Draughts / Faulty Hardware
Draughty windows generally occur when something is preventing the window from shutting, which can be due to a faulty locking mechanism, misaligned sashes, worn out weather-stripping or cracked caulk.
Difficulty regulating your homes temperature/higher energy bills
Related to this post: Why is my house so cold?
Cracked or chipped glass
Excess noise
Repair vs replacement double glazed units
If you believe you have a minor window issue, it may be possible to repair rather than completely replacing the entire unit. As a reputable local glazing company, we will always investigate your issues thoroughly to determine the best possible outcome for you and your family.
Replacement double glazed units – A solid investment for Gloucestershire homeowners
If any of these tell-tale signs apply to your double glazing now is the time to investigate further, as it could put your family’s security and health at risk if left to deteriorate any further. For high performance and top-quality double-glazed repairs and replacements, contact the Albany Windows team today.